Monday, 4 September 2017

Back Again

I am sorry for the long absence.  2017 has not been all that kind to me and fitting in blogging just became too much.  Instead I concentrated on finishing  what 2017 Harrow Fair entries I could.  I managed 10 entries.  The afghan took up a great deal of my available knitting and finishing time.  It did not help that I misread the size necessary for the the afghan.  I read it as 48 by 60 inches.  The requirements were 40 by 60 inches.  As a result I knit an additional 16 squares plus the additional sewing and knitting around the edge.  I think in the end it was worth it.

I did not have a pattern for this but based it on Floralia by Franklin Habit.  The details can be found in Friday's with Franklin, his blog on Maker's Mercantile, in the July 2016 time period.  The yarn is various Paton's Classic Wool collected over the years with the exception of the grey.  That is Cascade 220.

Last year a new entry was added.  I made one this year.  It is a lapghan (36 by 48 inches).

I entered baby clothing.

Both patterns are from "Little Sweet Peas" and made from King Cole Smarty.  I used Neopolitan for the single sweater and Tutti-Fruiti for the 3 piece set.

My niece asked me for a Harry Potter scarf.  She is also getting a hat but I keep the ribbons!

The yarn is Cascade 220 sport.  I made up the pattern for the scarf and the hat is a modified version of a Kate Davies pattern.

I am a sucker for King Cole Tinsel.  The patterns for this yarn are adorable and I can't resist.

I did take a vacation this summer and went back to Newfoundland.  Managed a pair of socks on the trip.

I grabbed some Regia Denim Look Color from my stash and some left over Scheepje Invicta Extra for the heels and toes and the white stripes.  These are man sized.  Hubby doesn't want them so they will go in the mail to the grandson.

I can't seem to do better than second place on the dish cloth.

Now, I don't use these as dish cloths.  Instead I give these as gifts with homemade soap (bought, not made by me) for use as face cloths.

I am not disappointed with the second place finish of my shawl.  A dear friend earned a first with her lace shawl and I agree that lace well done should top a non-lace shawl.

Finally, I entered the fair theme category which was Scarecrows and Sunflowers.

The pattern is one of Alan Dart's.  I almost didn't make it.  I started the knitting late in August.  I used bits and bob's of left over DK yarns I had.  The pattern was well written.  The knitting took very little time compared to the assembly.  I finished assembling the item at quarter to 4 pm on the day the entry had to be in.  The glue was still tacky when I took it to the fair.

To round off this post, may I present some random photos of the needlecrafts at the fair.  This is only a small portion of the exhibits at the 2017 fair.

(Warning! The pictures below contain dolls)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mary Jane! Nice to hear from you. I hope all is well with you. Your fair entries are lovely, as always. I'm always so impressed with the quantity and quality of the entries at the Harrow Fair. And once again, I was disappointed with the Western Fair. I didn't enter this year, so it's not personal, but once again, I totally disagree with what won first. It's a mystery what the judges are thinking...
