Sunday, 17 January 2016

An Even Dozen

I feel like I have been knitting up a storm these last few weeks.  I have been battling with Poindexter and knitting.  I did not have much energy left for anything else.  Today I checked my spreadsheet and I have only  completed 12 items.  It feels like so much more.  Twelve seems like such a small accomplishment.  I keep telling myself that I have been working on the big things first.  They take more time and effort.  Yeah right my inner voice says.  

Lets look at some photos of recent progress.  Maybe it will take my mind off the fact that I have 30 items still to go.

I whipped up the dishcloth category.  I used the waffle stitch from the Knitting Stitch Bible for the centre with a garter stitch edging all round.  The yarn is Sugar 'n Cream, 100% cotton.  I picked up a couple of cones in 2013 at the Listowel tent sale.

The baby blankie is done.  I was trying to save this for hockey game knitting but it was just too much fun to watch the self-striping pattern appear.  I could not stop knitting on it until it was done.  The final size is 30" by 36".   I could have made is square and had enough left for a baby hat but since I was not going to have time to make a hat I simply made the blankie bigger. [I understand the lack of logic in that statement.]

I did get to knit on it for one hockey game.  Essex played Wallaceburg on Tuesday night.  Essex won 9-1.  Normally when the game is this lopsided I plan to go home early.  However, on Tuesday night there was enough interesting and goofy things happening to keep me there right to the end to see Essex score their final goal with 1.7 seconds left on the clock.

The Timbits came out to play following the first period.  Both the red team and the yellow teams had goalies.  Then I counted the players on each team.  Red had 6 and Yellow had 9.  All 15 players did a slow chase of the puck.  The pack headed out as a group following the puck.  The group spread out like a comet with its tail. One child fell down taking half a dozen with him.  I hid behind the baby blankie 'cause I was just laughing too hard.  The red team managed a goal.  I wasn't sure whether to cheer for Red or go ahh for Yellow.

The big kids had their own tumbles.  Two Essex players collided and knocked each other down.  A Wallaceburg player was heading back to his bench.  An Essex player was heading down the ice with his stick in front.  Neither looking at the other.  The Wallaceburg player skated into the Essex stick and down he went.

The linesman was almost taken out.  An Essex player and a Wallaceburg player were each struggling for the puck and moving along the boards down the ice heading towards the Wallaceburg end.  The linesman was along the boards.  The linesmen and referees amaze me with their ability to remove themselves from the line of play so that they do not interfere with the puck. I have seen them leap in the air, spread their legs and hop on the boards.  The linesman hopped on the boards but it was not enough.  He was still in the line of play along the boards.  He lifted his feet higher so that he would clear the players heading his way.  Lucky for him, the Wallaceburg players on the bench caught him before he completely tumbled back into their bench.  Play continued unabated.

With excitement like this how could I go home early?

I started the child's vest category.  I have a child in mind for this one.  My favourite restaurant is Mama's Place in Essex.  Paola, the proprietor has a young son.  I think this will be perfect for him.  

I am using the tank top pattern, Design F from Little Sweet Peas as a basic vest pattern but doing my own design to it.  As of this morning I have the back done and the front to the underarms.  The yarn is Knit ca Delight, purchased back in October when Hubby and I went to Stratford.  It has been talking to me about being this vest since it came home with me.  I am using white, cardinal and maize.

The Levity Shawl is coming along.  I am adding the lace border.  I have 5 of the 23 points done.  It is going faster now that I have the 24 row repeat memorized.

I have located patterns, yarn and needles for the next 3 projects.  I do not have to worry about having hockey knitting for 2 weeks.  There is no home game this week.  Maybe I can make further progress on Levity and start something more complicated.

Essex has only one more game to play in the regular season which ends January 31.  Essex has the league's first place already sewn up.  The battle now is for second, third and fourth place in the league.  Only first and second place finishers get home ice advantage for the league playoffs.  Four teams are vieing for those remaining three positions.  Playoffs start in February.

On Tuesday I finally broke down and went to the Harrow Health Clinic to see someone about Poindexter.  I am now on antibiotics for a secondary infection.  I think I am feeling better now.  I hope I am getting over this; I return to work tomorrow.

Since I was going to be in Harrow, I offered to pick up some cream that my friend C was looking for.  The store was closed for inventory so I decided to continue my exploration of the little towns in the county and stopped in at Blimeys in Harrow.  The store was a surprise and a fun place to browse.  I loved the selection of Dr. Who merchandise and the next time I need to get a teapot I am heading there.


  1. A significant update! Good luck with the next dozen :-)

  2. LOL! You missed your calling. You should have been a sports commentator. I love your descriptions of the little ones doing a slow and bumbled ballet, following the puck around the ice, probably past their bedtime.

    Twelve projects is a significant amount. It is more than 1/4th of your goal, if my math is right. Your cup is a quarter full :)and I hope Poindexter is packed and on the way out the door by now.
