2. The result of all that knitting - look almost another square!
3. If I am not careful I am going to forget to cook dinner.
4. At 2:00 PM the sun was out and I met Hubby at Sadler's Pond for photo of the Doodler. It was blocked and just waiting until someone else could operate the camera. Hubby is not much of a photographer so I set the camera on automatic and let him loose.
5. Hubby doesn't understand the concept of straight horizons but it was a nice picture of the shawl.
6. Close ups
7. To take the photos, I took off my coat, put on the shawl and closed it with a shawl pin. My Hubby looked at it and said, "So, that is what that is for!". It is whale bone and I bought it as a souvenir of my trip to Iceland a few years ago.
9. I attended a craft show yesterday and bought another knitting bag. All knitters need more than 3 dozen right?
10. Progress on the sweater for my brother. I am doing both fronts at the same time. I know it takes a little more time but mentally it seems faster.
11. My ass is not as bad looking as I thought it was.
12. It is amazing how much knitting, dinner prep and dishwasher unloading you can accomplish while waiting for photos to download.
13. Timbit hockey players are unbelievably adorable. Watching them play is a lot like watching Weebles on skates except they fall down - alot - but get right back up. I asked Hubby if the jerseys are deliberately made too big to increase the adorableness. Apparently they don't come any smaller. Timbits players were the entertainment between the first and second periods of the 73's game on Tuesday. It was a lot more fun to watch than the new vehicle driving on the ice featured at previous games. That would only have been fun if the vehicle slid into the boards. The blue team had a goalie and 6 players. All on the ice at once. The red team had 5 players. One red kid realized there was no goalie so he stood in the crease so now it was 6 on 4.
I had qualms about children used as entertainment for adults. After talking with some parents and friends of parents with Timbit players, the kids don't view themselves that way. They are just thrilled to bits to be on the same ice as the 73's.
They tried so hard to play hockey. They fell down if they skated hard. They fell down if they changed direction. They fell down if they touched the puck. They ran into each other and fell down. It was a joy to watch their enthusiasm for the game.
13. Essex played Lakeshore on Tuesday. It was a great game. The end result was in doubt until Essex won.
Okay, so now I think that this is my favourite post due to the Timbits. While I'm not a big sports fan, the vision of those little ones muddling about on the ice, totally oblivious to the unfairness of being outnumbered, brought forth quite a chuckle. You brought that picture home. That's the purpose of a good writer. Your Doodler is gorgeous and pictures of reflections set off all kinds of colour combinations in my head. I'm still doodling. I really like your brother's sweater (pieces) and you are really tempting me to make squares for a blankie :)