Now I do whatever I can to prevent mistakes. Clue 1 was a series of short rows. On each right side, you knit to 5 stitches before the last turn so each row is 5 stitches shorter than the row before. To make it easier for myself, on the return wrong side row I leave a marker 5 stitches from the turn. That way I only have to knit back to the marker. This of course assumes I can count to 5. Apparently I have trouble with this simple task.
In one of the later wedges I forgot to move the marker 5 stitches and knit back to the previous turn instead. I did not catch this mistake until the wedge was finished and I did not have the heart to rip it all out. So one wedge is now two rows wider than it should be. I fudged this mistake by skipping the yarn over that goes on top of the turn so that the hole formed is about the same size as the ones formed by one turn and a yarn over. You would be hard pressed to find the mistake. Near the beginning of the shawl I forgot to make the yarn over on top of the turn. The hole lines up so I just stuck my finger in the hole created by the short row turn, stretching it out so it is approximately the same size as the other holes. To make sure that the stitch count stayed right, I just skipped a knit 2 together.
Clue 2 came out on Friday. I had come down with a bug so I spent the day alternating sleeping and knitting. My suspicion is the bug was affecting my ability to knit the pattern correctly. Clue 2 is done but not without mistakes. I had the right stitch count at the end of Clue 1 but as I neared the last cable I counted the stitches and I was one short. I must have miscounted and done an extra row somewhere so I fudged it again.
I like to hold my work away from me from time to time to admire it. That is when I realized that 10 rows back I had purled a row instead of knitting it. Why it took me 10 rows to see it I just can't figure out. Must be the bug. Maybe I should have slept more and knit less. I ripped them out and re-knit.
I have no idea what is going to happen next and there are two more clues and another colour to add. Next clue comes out on Friday. Can't wait.
There is another mistake I made with this shawl but it is one of those rare fortuitous mistakes. The grape Hedgehog Fibres Sock yarn had less yardage than the other colours I was using. I was afraid I would run out so I bought 2 skeins instead of one. One skein was enough for me to finish with colour A in the pattern. Many others ran short but I did not. Maybe there is a mistake in there somewhere after all and I have just not found it yet.
I finished the 10th afghan square and the 11th is on the needles. I sewed the next five together. Held the column away from me to admire and that's when I saw it. All the squares had the wrong orientation. Unpicked all 4 seams and resewed. I went to sew the second column to the first and realized I had sewn the seams differently. I liked the second version better so I unpicked all the seams from the first column and resewed them. Progress is slow when items are ripped and re-knit and unpicked and resewn.
Afghan is 50% complete if you don't count the narrow border to be added at the end.
I am hoping for better progress on the works in progress while I wait for Clue 3.
Last Sunday Hubby had to go to Pelee Island for a meeting. He asked me if I wanted to go with him. I could take a hike and photographs while he was otherwise engaged. There was also the hour and a half ferry ride each way for knitting. The weather was perfect and I went.
The light was amazing and I am pleased with my photos. I present them here for your enjoyment.
Kingsville Harbour:
My favourite walk on the island is through the woods to Fish Point. The Point is as far south as you can get in Canada unless you have a private boat and can get to Middle Island.
The woods:
There was a storm from the East since the last time I hiked here and the trail along the east side of the point was gone, eroded away. So Reba and I traipsed along the east shore until the fallen trees made further progress impossible.
We eventually re-found the trail which takes you to the west side of the point along the shore.
Fish Point:
Reba and the Doodler posing:
We headed back along the west side of the point. Walking the beach is not easy. Reba does not like to get too close to the water. She does not like the waves. However, with the trail through the bush gone, the west shore was the easier option.
The calm water did not last long. By Thursday the ferries were cancelled due to high winds on the lake. When the wind is right, the water levels in the west basin are pushed to the east end of the lake. Port Dover flooded but the beaches on Pelee Island grew bigger. The high winds and low water made it too dangerous for the ferry to run. Hubby went over on Wednesday morning before the storm but was trapped until Saturday noon when the ferry service continued.
Goodness Gracious, those pictures are gorgeous!!! Sorry about your "bug" and the oopsies! I've had my share of those this week too.
ReplyDeleteI just looked at the enlarged pictures. My, My, that Doodler is gorgeous and Reba is cute. I just had to get back on here and tell you :)!