Sunday, 4 October 2015

One Down

I am so excited.  I finished one entry.  Only 41 left to go!

Hubby took the photos.  I think he did a good job.  I have been trying to teach him good composition.  I did edit a little bit but I think cropping a photo to improve it is okay.  When he first starting taking pictures of me in knitwear, I would get a lovely photo of my head centered in the photo.  I would then have to explain I wanted a picture of the sweater.  I would then get a lovely photo of my breasts showing off the sweater.  The third time I would get a photo of all of me with these strange expressions on my face.  A still photo of a face while giving verbal instructions is never a pretty sight.

For those of you tuning in just in the hope of more motorcycle photos but without knitwear, enjoy.

I like to finish well.  Often it is the finishing details that takes a good knitwear into a great one.  Here is the detail of the finishing of the zipper installation.  I added grosgrain ribbon to hide the black zipper tape.  I think it finishes off the zipper nicely.

I can also hide the yarn ends in behind the zipper and ribbon.

 Also, I expect I will drive the car while wearing this sweater so I wanted a zipper that unzipped from the bottom.  Opening the zipper at the bottom helps keep the bottom edge from stretching out while sitting.

I thought you might like a picture of the pocket detail.

This is all that is left of the ball of yarn the lovely Tammy sent to me for the collar.

I am later in posting this blog this weekend.  My hubby and I took a trip to Stratford.  We were celebrating three milestones; my birthday, his birthday and our anniversary which falls between the birthdays.  We went to see the Alchemist and stayed overnight.

My Husband and I have been together for 22 years and still he manages to surprise me.  We were discussing what time we should leave on Saturday.  Stratford is about a 2 1/2 to 3 hour drive if stops are kept to a minimum.  I wanted time to check in to the hotel, have dinner and generally relax before the play.  He suggested we leave at noon.  I said great, the yarn store closes at 6.  He choked on his drink and said, "I didn't see that one coming".

Close Knit is a lovely little store in downtown Stratford.

We checked into the hotel and the receptionist said we had a cute suite with a fireplace.  I thought how romantic.  It was pouring rain out and a cozy fire would be just the thing to dispel the damp.  I saw the fireplace and could not stop laughing.

This isn't a fireplace, it is a child's toy.  Yes it gives off heat but no warmth.  See, no fear of damaging the knitting.

The shrug is about 3' long at this point.  The yarn purchases from Close Knit are holding the piece in place.  I got a lot of knitting done on the drive.  Hubby drove and I was grateful.  He prefers if I drive on long trips or where I know the route better than him.  I qualified on both counts.  After all I lived just north of Stratford 40 some years ago.

Earlier in September I dropped by Maclaren's to have my 2015 Harrow Fair photos printed.  Brad Maclaren had a film crew in to make a commercial.  He asked if I would mind being in his commercial.  If you blink you will miss the back of my head.  Feel free to laugh out loud if you want.  I can't stop giggling.

I have finished another square for the afghan.  17 to go.  I wouldn't even bring it up if I didn't have a story about this one.  Last week I told you about knitting a square at the Essex 73's game.  Turns out I was so focused on the square not only did I miss all the goals, I also had the wrong team playing.  Last week it was Dresden not Blenheim.  On Tuesday of this week it was Blenheim.  I was working on a new square.  This time I did see all 4 goals - all for Essex.  Zip for Blenheim.  They thought they had two but sadly didn't.  Hubby made it to this game.  I thought the crowd was pretty tame for this one.  The yahoos who taunt the other team's goalie (and annoy me in the process) kept quiet most of the game.  The fellow who jumps up regularly shouts at everyone and pounds on the plexi-glass stayed seated and only turned to ask me if I was making a crying towel for the other team.  I rolled my eyes and kept on knitting.  Hubby suggested later that I could stop those sorts of comments if I went down, sat with the guy and proceeded to explain about the choice of yarn, colours, the Harrow Fair and my blog.  He would never ask again.

The game ended and on our way out of the arena, something happened that I have only ever heard about but never before witnessed.  A fight broke out in the crowd.  Not on the ice.  Not with the players.  This was spectators.  I  don't know what game offense started the altercation but I was a witness to the the shove and the punch.  I am not going to get into a discussion of violence associated with hockey.  Just suffice to say I was not impressed and I wish it hadn't happened and more over, I wish I hadn't seen it.  So what does this have to do with knitting you ask?  The game ended, my husband was ready to leave.  If we had gone then and there we would have missed it but instead I said "just one more row".


  1. The new sweater looks great!

    So that knit from stash rule never stood a chance, did it?

  2. You sweater is lovely very nicely done, congrats on the first finish.
    I love your stories.....keep up the good work
    Marie B

  3. Oh, yes, I did see the back of your head on the McLaren's commercial. I watched it twice. Not that I didn't recognize you the first time, mind you :) The Vespa sweater is splendid! I especially love the green V down the back. It says "Here's my Vespa!" All the stories are interesting and funny and I am looking forward to them every week. I think hubby has good ideas about how to stop snarky remarks at the hockey games. Make them weep! Glad you had a fun time at Stratford.
